District Branding-Laksmipur
Action plan
1. Introduction
The present government has formulated Rupakalpa-2021 with the aim of making Bangladesh a middle-income country by 2021 and Rupakalpa-2041 to transform this country into a happy and prosperous country by 2041. The implementation of these ideals requires rapid and sustained economic growth. A concerted effort is needed to accelerate the achievement of this economic growth. Each district of Bangladesh is unique and economically promising in many ways. Lakshmipur district is no exception. One of the most promising products of the district is soybean. Due to proper planning and infrastructural limitations, the industry has not developed as expected.
If it is possible to brand soybeans under district-branding, it will be able to make a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of Laxmipur and the country through the development of this industry.
2. History of Soybean in Laxmipur:
Soybean: Soybean cultivation is developing day by day in Laxmipur. At present about 70% of the national production of soybean is being produced in this district. Soybean was first cultivated experimentally in 1982 in Ramgati upazila of the district on a mere 1 hectare of land. Then in 1992, two private development agencies, MCC and Dorp, encouraged farmers to cultivate soybeans. Since then, soybean cultivation has been gradually increasing along with other rabi crops. Due to low production cost, good price and yield, the farmers of the district are now interested in soybean cultivation instead of other rabi crops. Thus, gradually increasing every year, in the last Rabi season (2015-16), soybean was planted in 52,620 hectares of land in Ajala and more than 1 lakh MT of soybean was produced with a market value of more than Tk 300 crore.
At one time a lot of khesari, chilli, almond, sesame, linseed, sweet potato, kaun, cucumber, watermelon, melon, arahar, mug and other pulses were cultivated in the char areas of Laxmipur district but now the cultivation of these crops is decreasing day by day due to soybean. Instead, only soybean and other crops are not seen in the field now. Soybeans are sown from mid-December to mid-February during the Rabi season and collected after 90 to 110 days. Soybean cultivation is much more profitable than other rabi crops. Moreover, there is a wholesale market for soybean in Haiderganj market in Raipur upazila.
2.1 Description of soybean:
Now farmers are able to save soybeans themselves. In autumn, about 1000 MT of soybean is produced in 500 ha of land in this district. The whole of which is used as seeds. Soybean is an environmentally friendly crop. Soybean requires less amount of fertilizer. As a bean crop, soybean root nodules are formed, from which about 250 kg nitrogen (urea fertilizer) per hectare is added. This nitrogen fertilizer helps in the growth of the plant and a part of it is added to the soil and contributes to the next crop. The maximum production cost per hectare is 20 thousand rupees. If good crops and prices are available, the profit is about 4 times more than the cost of production. Which is not available by planting any other crop. Moreover the cost of fertilizers, pesticides and care is comparatively less.
Although soybean is oil seed, oil is not produced from soybean produced in our country. Soybeans of this country are mainly used for making poultry food, fish food, cyanagate, soy biscuit, soybean, soap, milk, baby food and 61 other nutritious foods.
2.2 Nutritional properties of soybean:
According to nutritionists, the reason for the widespread use of soybeans as food is that they contain more than 40 percent meat and 20-22 percent oil. Soybeans are also an excellent source of sugars, fats, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and vitamins A, B and C. Soybeans are not only cholesterol-free, but also help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels. Soybean protein has an effective role in human health and disease prevention. For this reason, soybeans help prevent breast cancer, bowel cancer and prostate cancer. Soybeans play a special role in building muscle and controlling blood pressure. Moreover soybean increases digestion, cures constipation and piles disease. Controls menstrual inflammation, sudden temperature rise and abnormalities in girls.
3. The purpose of district-branding
The main objectives of Lakshmipur district branding through soybean are:
4. The rationale for choosing soybean branding as a subject:
The farmers of the region hope that an agro-based industry will be set up using soybeans from Laxmipur district as raw material for industry. Where soybean oil, soy food and soy protein will be produced. This will ensure easy marketing of soybeans produced by farmers in the region at a fair price, create jobs for thousands of unemployed youth and make farmers more interested in soybean cultivation at a fair price. In this way, a new door of economic development will be opened in the region centered on soybean.
Considering these aspects, the role of soybean in filling our meat deficit, reducing oil imports, protecting soil health (organic nitrogen fixation) and economic development is very important. Therefore, the branding name of Lakshmipur district "Soybean Lakshmipur" (soya land) is very reasonable.
লক্ষ্মীপুর জেলা ব্রান্ডিং এর বই ডাউনলোড করতে নিম্নোক্ত লিংকে ক্লিক করুন
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS